Olive Oil in National Geographic.
Olive Oil and the Mediterranean diet are usually some issues that generate many publications in some health or nutritional magazines, which try to educate people to incorporate some good habits into their lives.
Some months ago, in November 2023, even NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC published an article to the mass public about how adding more olive oil to our diets can positively impact our health in many different ways.
The article mentions how the phenols in extra virgin olive oil protect the body´s cells from dangerous molecules. Even though the rates of many diseases are lower in those areas where the olive oil and Mediterranean diet have long been a rule. National Geographic mentions heart diseases, breast cancer, and diabetes as some examples of diseases that can be reduced with olive oil consumption.
National Geographic is an American monthly magazine which was founded in 1988. Nowadays, the magazine is sold worldwide and it is translated to nearly 40 languages
You can read the complete article in this link: